iko: hello grumpy grouchy crabby
teddy: hey stop;[ im sad
iko: ya wel. stop!
teddy: hey!! be nice!!!! im jus sad cus. they are all my friends u know :[
iko: yeah yeah…………lets go cry about it over some of those frosted animal cracker w sprinkles 
me: yall know those ones lms 

teddy: eilis…im sorry:[
eilis: oh!…….hey…….its..its okay….im sure we’ll keep in touch…right?
teddy: yes!! of course!!! u are my friend forever:[
eilis: good!!! good…im not done pullin pranks on u yet!!!:-]

@simmingswimmingly thank u FOR EILIS IM OBSESSED W HER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!she is so fun and cute and i cherish her and she will b friends w teddy forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!:[[[[ im so sad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but she will DEF be around…gotta plan some pranks on iko………….

teddy: so!! i was just hangin with eilis earlier and wylie wouldnt stop bothering us!!! 
hannelore: oh..ur brother is…hes very interesting
teddy: ya…hes kinda pesky…but i do love him a lot
hannelore: teddy…
teddy: uh huh??
hannelore: i was just wondering… if u would mind…if i could… kiss u?
teddy: ……i…i wouldnt mind….if u….